Pros of doing Erasmus mobility
Are you thinking of doing an Erasmus mobility in a foreign country? Moving abroad to a place for a longer period of time can be quite scary. Here are 7 pros of doing Erasmus and advantages for a student moving abroad and starting a new international experience.
1. Personal growth and raising self-confidence
One of the pros of joining an Erasmus exchange program is the huge growth you have on yourself. Being on your own and solving problems would make you a better version of yourself. Getting out of your comfort-zone makes you see everything from a new perspective.
The communication skills one achieves in verbal or written communications are overall improved, therefore managing any situation could be easily done by adaptability.
As a matter of fact, doing an Erasmus is a synonym for independence and overcoming your fears. A new open mind would make you change the perspective of life. Besides you will be your own person in charge of your life, creativity and self management.
2. Improve career employability and professional growth
On the one hand, companies do normally have an interest in people who have international experience. Being able to work with a professional company within a new language will give an added value to your CV.
On the other hand, initiativity and persistence would be one of your strengths as you would be constantly surrounded with professionals. Learning from them would improve your skills. Furthermore, with organizational skills, time management and prioritizing tasks will greatly improve your work ethics.
Not to mention, problem resolving would be noticeably improved as well as your skills interpreting situations from different points of view. Bearing in mind the upgrade on foreign languages skills.
3. Travelling
The best opportunity for travelling and exploring many countries by yourself is by doing an Erasmus. It is a unique chance to explore new cities you won’t be able to forget. There are hundreds of places waiting for you to see. Exploring the country in depth is a great way of getting to know new cultures.
By getting in touch with the locals, you will get the opportunity to get to know traditional events, try local cuisine and experience their customs. Nonetheless, not only will you meet locals but also other Erasmus students, who will be in the same position as you, eager to discover a new culture. Together you will be able to explore this new country together.

4. New culture integration and languages
The world is huge and staying in your native country limits your vision. But being able to live in a new country will increase your vision through learning new cultures and learning how to integrate in a new society. Your English skills will improve and you will be able to learn the country’s spoken language.
5. Friendships and social networking
Can you think of a better opportunity where you will meet people from all over the world than on Eramus? You will meet people that have also moved abroad and are new to this too. They are young people, full of eagerness to learn, to live and to get to know you. Share cultures and feel like one of them is the best that can happen to you. Social skills such as communication, integration and acceptance would be noticeable improvements.
At the end of this mobility, you won’t imagine the amount of memories you will be taking with you home.

6. Time management
Studying and living abroad makes you a more organized person. You turn yourself into a more active person, with the initiative to change and the ability to fend for yourself. Nevertheless, how to plan and organize your days with freedom.
Now that you are starting from scratch, take this opportunity to make all the things you wanted to do before, there is no better timing for it. From the amount of things you learn from it, you will be slightly influenced by the things you enjoyed the most. Your self-determination, encouragement, planning and organization skills will take your life into a new direction.
7. New vision
An Erasmus student has a new vision of life after they stay abroad for a few months. According to studies done about Erasmus, meeting people, sharing viewpoints and comparing cultures make students improve in many aspects. Their self determination and skills of communication make them achieve their goals and work efficiently.
Studies have also shown that the widening horizons and perspective in topics such as human rights, environmental and international conflicts have gained a new interest in the young population.
After all, an Erasmus mobility makes you acquire knowledge, achieve different professional, personal and social skills. Without a doubt, this experience doesn’t just prepare you for life itself, but it will accompany you in the future.
It is an experience you would like to repeat a thousand times more.